
DAB Legislative Councillors Wilson OR and Ben CHAN met with the Secretary for the Environment Bureau Mr. KS WONG alongside representatives from the Motor Traders Association of Hong Kong on May 6th urging the government to postpone the parallel import deadline for private vehicles using petrol direct-injection (PDI) engines.
The government has tightened the standards on vehicle and fuel emissions to Euro VI On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) Phase C standards on September 1st, 2019. The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has stated that from September 1st, 2019 onward, all parallel imports of private vehicles using PDI engines applying registration must meet these emission standards. Subsequently, the deadline for these private vehicles arrived into Hong Kong is postponed to May 31st, 2020.
Industry representatives expressed that it is impossible for the private vehicles with PDI engines that they ordered previously to arrive Hong Kong before the deadline of May 31st as the global outbreak of the COVID-19 has stopped all production, logistics and trading of such vehicles. The motor vehicle industry is being hard hit and they hope the government can consider providing exceptional arrangement by pushing forward the deadline by at least 6 months so that they can wrap up the trading they have yet to complete to maintain industry’s operation and navigate this difficult time.
The government responded that they would consider the suggestions of the industry and further analyze the situation to see if they should push forward the deadline and help benefit the industry.
Media Inquiries: DAB Legislative Councilor Wilson Or (9266 1035)、Ben Chan (9121 4919)