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The DAB welcomes the Court of Appeal ruling on the anti-mask law



We welcome the Court of Appeal’s reaffirmation that the urgent introduction of the anti-mask legislation does not violate human rights. It provides a clear legal basis for the government to handle public violence possibly be aroused again after the COVID-19 outbreak ends.

DAB Legislative Councillor Holden CHOW said that opposition camp has constantly accused the anti-mask law of unconstitutionality and also a violation of human rights. This ruling by the Court of Appeal firmly rejected their sophistry.

Also, DAB Legislative Councillor Horace CHEUNG considered the Court’s ruling has delivered two clear messages. First, the laws as they have existed since before the Handover remains in effect no matter how long ago the laws were promulgated. The general public should not be misled by the opposition camp that the emergency regulations ordinance (ERO) is no longer applicable and challenge the law.

Second, the ruling has cited a legal basis to deal with emergency situations in Hong Kong. On top of the ERO, the other means require the Central Government to intervene. In the end, the Court of Appeal feels that the ERO is already sufficient to deal with the current situation. We believe it is the least controversial and best way to deal with the internal situation through local laws. Therefore, the ruling of the Court of Appeal receives our approval.


Media Inquiries:

DAB Legislative Councilor Horace Cheung (9681 8757)、Holden Chow(3703 9870)


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