October 5, 2022
The DAB LegCo members exchanged views with the Secretary for Education Dr. Christine Choi on the policy address today (Oct 5) and submitted the newly released initiatives on "Understanding National Development, Shaping a positive Narrative of the country and Hong Kong". The DAB LegCo members expected the government to ensure the ongoing optimization of the work on Hong Kong’s national education and promotion of Chinese culture and patriotism, and set up a regional training centre to recruit overseas talents.

DAB Spokesperson on Education Ms. Lillian Kwok stated that the government should review the grade structure in schools and allow schools to hire one social worker and one counsellor in order to provide comprehensive emotional supports for students. The Bureau responded positively and hoped to start a new chapter together for education in Hong Kong.
Media enquiries:
DAB Spokesperson on Education an LegCo member Lillian Kwok (5541 8128)