April 21, 2024
The G7 foreign ministers and European Unions made unfounded and biased statement to smear the Hong Kong National Security Law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance after the meeting. DAB vice chairman Holden Chow and Chan Hok-fung, Secretary Chief Chris Ip, LegCo members Edward Leung and Nixie Lam and many district councilors and officers, went to the U.S. Consulate General to condemn unfounded and biased statement by G7 foreign ministers and European Union.
Hong Kong’s enactment of Safeguarding National Security laws was to fulfil its constitutional duty, and meet aspirations of the people. Safeguarding national security was paramount in all sovereign countries. The United States had at least 21 laws related to safeguarding national security, and other members of the G7 and EU countries also had laws to protect their own security.
The DAB condemned western hegemony and would back the country and HKSAR Government’s determination and work to safeguard national security.
