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The DAB’s response to Executive Council’s approval of applications on bus fare increase

May 31, 2023

The Chief Executive-in-Council approved the fare increase applications of five franchised bus companies, with the average increases ranging from 3.9% to 7%.

Mr. Ben Chan, DAB Legislative Councillor and Chairman of Panel on Transport, stated that this decision had taken into consideration the views of the society. The DAB appreciated the government accepted our request to reduce the fare increase to the level of inflation, alleviating the financial pressure of the citizens.

Ben Chan was also concerned about the operation of the franchised bus companies. In order to prevent the franchised bus companies from applying for a large fare increase within a short period of time, he urged the government to not only consider the policies on railway transport, but to actively promote the sustainable development of other means of transportation as well, such as promoting non-fare revenue, enhancing the competitiveness of bus companies.

Press enquiries:

DAB LegCo member Ben Chan (9274 7035)


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