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Frankie Ngan responded to statutory minimum wage review mechanism

April 30, 2024

The Chief Executive and the Executive Council announced that they have accepted the Minimum Wage Commission's recommendations on enhancing the minimum wage review mechanism, including reviewing the rate once a year. DAB Manpower Affairs Spokesperson and LegCo Member Frankie Ngan welcomed the Government to adopt the DAB's suggestions. The adoption of a formular would be objective, transparent, efficient and predictable, and could reduce the incidence of annual labor disputes.

Frankie Ngan stated that the formula components took into account the inflation rate, maintained purchasing power of low-income employees, but also allowed grassroots workers to share the economic results. In addition, review of the rate once a year would allow the rate level to be adjusted according to the market.


Frankie Ngan stated that the formula result should be determined by the Minimum Wage Committee and then submitted to the Chief Executive and the Executive Council for approval. He recommended an adjustment mechanism, whereby if the economic situation entered into a recession and components in the formula became negative, the number of people earning the minimum wage increased and unemployment rate increased, the minimum wage committee should commence the review process, refer to other economic data, and determine if it was necessary to lower the rate. It should make relevant recommendations to the Chief Executive and the Executive Council, or the system should grant the Chief Executive and the Executive Council the power to adjust the rate to enhance Hong Kong's economic development.


Media enquiries: Frankie Ngan 6600 2511


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