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DAB followed up on hygiene blackspots and submitted proposals on improving cityscape

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

November 1, 2022

District Matters Co-ordination Task Force led by Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration Cheuk Wing-hing launched the territory-wide Hong Kong New Cityscape clean-up campaign in mid-August to clean up hygiene blackspots. The cleansing work had been launched for over two months that DAB LegCo members and representatives from 18 districts met with Cheuk Wing-hing and Secretary for Environment and Ecology Tse Chin-wan to follow up on its effectiveness and submit proposals on improving cityscape.

Gathering views from the DAB distract branches and from various sectors, the authorities identified 600 hygiene black spots which included our suggested locations. After two months of cleansing work, some blackspots had improved compared with the situation in July, some were continuously improving, but some blackspots had not been improved. Some new blackspots were also identified during the inspections.

We believed that the clean-up campaign had some effect, but the problems of rodent infestation, street obstruction, pigeon feeding, abandoned motorcycled and bicycles, and water seepage are still needed to be solved with new approaches.

Below are our further recommendations to the District Matters Co-ordination Task Force:

1. Launch the territory-wide anti-rodent operation

2. Study amendments to legislation and introducing progressive fines

3. Use smart technology to solve environmental hygiene problems

4. Amend legislation to prohibit the feeding of wild pigeons

5. Solve the problem of water seepage

6. Enhance proper disposal of construction waste through promotion and education

7. Dispose abandoned motorcycles and bicycles regularly

8. Step up law enforcement on street obstruction

9. Increase resources to install CCTV

10. Plan clean-up campaigns as longstanding work

11. Introduce clauses in the tender to require the use of modern cleaning tools

12. Improve cityscape

Media enquiries:

LegCo Member Vincent Cheng (6373 1979)

LegCo Member Steven Ho (2682 0155)


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