August 16, 2022

The DAB Kowloon Central and Kowloon West teams met with the Director of Fire Services Mr. Andy Yeung to express concerns on the amendments to the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance (Cap. 572). They urged the government to optimize the prosecution mechanism, allow the Fire Services Department to prioritize installation of fire safety equipment; relaunch the Fire Safety Improvement Works Subsidy Scheme to ease the financial burden on owners of old buildings.
In addition, we made a number of recommendations including:
Improving technology so that water can be diverted into the building from standpipes, and increasing the number of floors in a building exempted from installing water tanks from three to six or seven
Allowing the Fire Services Department to flexibly prioritize installation of fire safety equipment to better care for the needs of buildings with inactive Owners’ corporations
Promoting the transparency of fee chargeable and establishing a clear bidding system. Residents should be informed of the approximate cost of the project beforehand.
Strengthening communication with residents before the project commences to alleviate residents' doubts
Optimizing the monitoring system, such as whether the charges are reasonable, etc.
The proposed amendments to the Ordinance touched upon the rights and interests of many owners of old buildings. We urged the government to listen more to the opinions of LegCo members and residents when formulating the details of the amendment.
Media enquiries:
LegCo member Starry Lee (9457-9853)
LegCo member Vincent Cheng (6373-1979)