Hong Kong is a part of China and for the majority of the Chinese living in Hong Kong China is their motherland and Hong Kong their home. For a long time under British colonial rule, Hong Kong has been severed from her mother China. With the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, China will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997; and with the promulgation of the Basic Law, Hong Kong will become a Special Administrative Region of China after 1997. History has bequeathed Hong Kong’s citizens the mission to bring into effect a smooth transition, to maintain Hong Kong’s economic prosperity and social stability, to establish a democratic system and to foster the progress and development of Hong Kong.
Coming from different social strata and sectors, we have a common wish to see the smooth return of Hong Kong to China, and share a common commitment to stay in Hong Kong and build a better home after 1997, to realize the vision of “one country, two systems” and “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong”. To accomplish these goals, we have organized ourselves as the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong and we are making public our Manifesto.
We are devoted to China and Hong Kong
History attests that Hong Kong and China are inseparable in their future, and their interests are intertwined. Our fundamental position is devotion to Hong Kong and China, supporting the return of Hong Kong to her motherland, realizing the concept of “one country, two systems” and working to implement the Basic Law.
We love our country and we sincerely hope that China will be stable, prosperous, democratic, and progressive. We insist that the relationship between Hong Kong and China should be one of co-operation and communication, as opposed to separation, alienation and antagonism. We will do our utmost to expedite any activities conducive to the realization of “one country, two systems” and the overall developments of Hong Kong and China.
We love Hong Kong and our guidelines are to work to protect Hong Kong’s overall interests, to promote social stability, progress and development. We will strive to do anything that is good for Hong Kong. We strongly believe that by working towards the proper implementation of “one country, two systems” and the promotion of Hong Kong’s prosperity and progress and her link with China we will be making positive and practical contributions to China.

We support participatory democracy in politics

Over a long period of time, Hong Kong under colonial rule has not had genuine democracy. The Joint Declaration and the Basic Law have finally made it possible for Hong Kong people to realize their longing for participatory democracy in politics. We insist that Hong Kong’s political development during the transition period should be based on the Joint Declaration and convergence with the provisions of the Basic Law, and that the administration of post-1997 Hong Kong by Hong Kong people should be based on the Basic Law. We oppose the interference of any foreign political forces into Hong Kong’s domestic affairs.
Our participation in politics is a positive approach to realizing the concept of “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong”. Only when Hong Kong citizens actively take part in politics and engage in political debates will the concept of “one country, two systems” be realized successfully. We will seek our citizens’ support, compete in elections, hold public offices and rally with those who decide to stay and build a better Hong Kong under “one country, two systems” to become the mainstream force in administering Hong Kong.
Our participation in politics is to put into practice our political beliefs. We will work hard for the maintenance of pluralistic development of Hong Kong society as well as for supporting stable and effective governance of Hong Kong.
The objective of our political participation is to create for Hong Kong the best possible democratic system which represents the will of the citizens, monitor the government’s work, protect citizens’ basic rights, guarantee equality for all before the law and independence of the judiciary, and maintain an election system that is open and fair. We maintain that democratic developments should be in line with the actual needs of the circumstances, and advantageous to maintaining social stability and economic prosperity. We are in favour of gradual and orderly development of a democratic government with the ultimate aim that the Chief Executive and all members of the Legislative Council will be elected by universal suffrage.
We are committed to building a better Hong Kong
Hong Kong citizens have all along been the builders of Hong Kong. Being one with them, we are determined to pool together our efforts to make Hong Kong a stable, prosperous, democratic and progressive society.
The foundation on which Hong Kong develops is political stability. We will strive to perfect Hong Kong’s existing social system, to enhance Hong Kong people’s confidence in controlling their future, so that Hong Kong citizens’ progressive, diligent and agile spirits can be fully utilized.
We will strive to expand Hong Kong’s economic edge, develop a free, flexible and efficient economic system, foster economic growth and equitable distribution of wealth, maintain Hong Kong’s status as a free port, and promote economic co-operation between Hong Kong and China as well as trade between Hong Kong and the world.
We will endeavour to set up a democratic system for the protection of citizens’ basic rights, the maintenance of freedom and governance by the rule of law.
We will endeavour to cultivate civic consciousness, and promote the spirit of seeking truth from facts and accommodating differences in the pursuit of a common goal. We will endeavour to elevate the quality of Hong Kong citizens’ cultural and spiritual lives.
We will work towards refining Hong Kong’s social welfare policy, and work for the realization of a just and reasonable social security system and related social policies.
We will endeavour to create an environment for Hong Kong people to lead a happy life and conduct business as well as to improve the quality of life of the majority of the middle and lower classes.

We are devoted to Hong Kong
The Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong is a political organization rooted in Hong Kong. Members of the organization share the conviction that our objectives, programs and actions best represent the interests of Hong Kong people and will in due course gain their identification and trust. We welcome all those who intend to stay in Hong Kong to build a better home and to realize the concept of “one country, two systems” and “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” to join our ranks to promote a democratic system and build a stable, prosperous, democratic and progressive Hong Kong.
The formation of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong is an obligation bestowed upon us by history. It is also our commitment to history. We are full of confidence in the future of Hong Kong and China. We trust that with sincerity and commitment, we are able to make positive contributions to Hong Kong and China.
July 10, 1992