Election results
Political governance is DAB’s long-term aim. To achieve this, it is first necessary to participate in politics. Political participation, though, is preceded by political election. In the past years, we have gone through the baptism by fire in many elections, both large and small, to become Hong Kong’s biggest political party with the most councilors. Holding itself accountable to the electorate, DAB councilors are known for their clear sense of right and wrong, without pandering to anyone or offering them favours, in its active participation in politics and monitoring the political rule implemented by the Special Administrative Region government in line with the law.
Elections are part of the raison d’etre for political parties. They also offer excellent opportunities to test their acceptability by the community. Since its inception, DAB has given its all every time it takes part in an election, winning over the electorate with its pragmatism and hard work. Although the number of council seats won has fluctuated, it is clear that the proportion of votes in its favour has kept on rising, attesting to the truth of the maxim: “DAB is a party with a future”.