It is only with your support that we can do our best to serve the community, building a better and more prosperous Hong Kong. Please take a moment and make a donation to DAB. You can make a secure, online contribution using your credit card, or print a form to mail to us with a check. You can also make direct payment to our bank account following the steps below.
Yes! I support DAB and I want to contribute to building a better Hong Kong!
Direct Payment to our Bank Account
Bank Name: Bank of China
Account No.: 036-721-0-009090-9
Account Name: DAB
Please fax us the payment receipt with your name, contact telephone number and mailing address stated to our Accounts Division at 3582 1150 . We will issue an official receipt to you upon your fax.
Check Contributions
Please mail your personal crossed check payable to Democratic Alliance for the Betterment & Progress of Hong Kong to the following address: Accounts Division, 15/F., SUP Tower, 83 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Should you meet any problem, please call Accounts Division at 3582 1111.